Donate a Painting to


Interested in becoming a patron of the Arts? Want to achieve immortality on par with the Rockefellers, the Gettys, and other noted highbrow museum benefactors? Then "Get thee to a Salvation Army", pick up some choice thrift store paintings, and donate them to the Gallery*. Heck, if I decide to keep them I'll even pay your shipping costs. Just check out the donation policies below then contact us at the E-Mail address above when you're ready to discuss a specific donation. Credit for your good taste will be given when your donation is posted, and you'll have the additional satisfaction of helping to elevate the state of cultural affairs in America in these days of waning N.E.A funding. Regrettably, despite our enthusiastic self-promotion the Gallery has only received a handful of donations, so if you're ready to make history, we're ready to see what artistic genius lies beyond the confines of the Midwest's finest thrift stores ........

Donation Policies**



Work must be original and show one or more of the following:

Work in the following categories may be rejected:



· Complete artistic control
· No artistic control
· Courage and enthusiasm
· Unusual use of color
· Interesting perspective
· Strange subject matter
· Inappropriate framing

· Reproductions
· Works on velvet (some exceptions)
· Paint-by-numbers (some exceptions)
· Factory or mass-produced art
· Obvious student exercises
· Deliberately made Thrift Store Art




Gallery I

Gallery II

Gallery III

Gallery IV

Gallery V

Gallery VI

Gallery VII

Gallery VIII

Gallery IX

Gallery X

Gallery XI

Gallery XII

Gallery XIII

Gallery XIV

Gallery XV

Gallery XVI


* Please note that all paintings become the exclusive property of The Gallery of Thrift Store Art (, which can in no way guarantee that said paintings will not be reproduced, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of at some future date. Donations prohibited where void by law.

** Shamelessly stolen and adapted from the Museum of Bad Art (MOBA)